Apdraudējuma apraksts:
Jūsu tīklā esošais dators iespējams ir inficēts ar izpiedējvīrusu.
Lūdzu atjauniniet sava datora antivīrusu programmatūru, un veiciet pilnu pārbaudi. Vai arī izmantojat kādu no šīm papildus antivīrusu programmā: https://www.botfree.eu/en/eucleaner/index.html vai https://www.comodo.com/business-security/network-protection/rescue-disk.php
The computer on your network may be infected with ransomware. Please update your computer's antivirus software and perform a full scan. Or use one of the following additional antivirus programs: https://www.botfree.eu/en/eucleaner/index.html or https://www.comodo.com/business-security/network-protection/rescue-disk.php